Bibeksheel Sajha Party has adopted the President Rabindra Mishra's document 'Changing Course: Nation Above Notion' that proposes abolition of federalism and a plebiscite on secularism.
Spokesperson Sharad Raj Pathak issuing a statement on Thursday has revealed that the party's central meeting held virtually on Thursday has decided to adopt the document with two-third majority. A total of 91 central members who participated in the virtual meeting, out of the 124 central members of the party, unanimously endorsed the document, according to the statement.
The meeting has also amended party statute in a way to provide the role of chief executive to the party president concluding that granting equal rights to the president and the coordinator led to difficulties in running the party.
The group of Coordinator Milan Pandey boycotted the meeting.
Talking with Setopati after the meeting Pandey called it the decision of a faction. "That is a faction's decision. We have called central committee meeting for tomorrow. Zoom meeting does not take decisions in politics, Election Commission takes decisions. Rabindra Mishra has split Bibeksheel Sajha Party for the second time by taking unilateral decision," Pandey said. "Endorsing through the faction's meeting called unilaterally doesn't mean anything. How many central members are on which side is an issue that can be determined only after reaching the Election Commission at Bahadur Bhavan."
The latest dispute in the party started after Mishra proposed abolition of federalism and a plebiscite on secularism publishing a lengthy piece titled 'Changing Course: Nation Above Notion' on July 26 and the party looks headed for the second split after its endorsement as Pandey said.
Mishra called secularism and federalism imported agenda that were installed more due to foreign interference than internal politics in the document the party has adopted. "Hence, in our context, to hold a referendum on secularism and to abolish federalism by restructuring and strengthening local bodies is a “progressive” agenda – not at all “regressive",” he argued.
He swore by his integrity and patriotism and said he is ready to bear the consequences for putting the proposal. "I am clear that there are shortcomings to my understanding as well. But I hold dear the two ideals – of integrity and patriotism. I have never allowed any weakness to creep into those firmly held convictions. Many may find the statement as boastful and pretentious. But, one has to speak up one’s strongly held beliefs when necessary and I am willing to bear the consequences for speaking my mind."
Pandey and other leaders including Ranju Darshana, Keshav Dahal and Rajendra Pangeni had then brought another proposal for discussion pointing mainly at the need for strengthening republicanism, defense of secularism and reform in federalism.
The then Bibeksheel Nepali and Sajha Party had reunified on December 9, 2020 having unified and then split once before.
The parties had agreed to hold general convention of the unified party within six months but the unified party again looks set to split even before the general convention could be held.
Bibeksheel Sajha Party, formed after unification of Bibeksheel Nepali led by Ujjwal Thapa and Sajha Party by Rabindra Mishra, had split on January 11, 2019 following a simmering dispute between the two factions.
All was not well in the party that was formed after unification of the two parties on July 26, 2017. The Thapa faction was unhappy claiming that Mishra was leading the party unilaterally and promoting leaders of his faction.