The parliamentary special committee investigating charges of budget tampering against former finance minister Janardan Sharma has sought closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage of Singha Durbar’s entrance gates after CCTV footage of the Finance Ministry of May 28 and May 29 was not found.
The committee’s meeting held on Sunday took such a decision.
According to Surendra Aryal, the committee’s secretary, the committee has asked for CCTV footage of Singha Durbar’s south and east gates after it appeared that the forensic lab of Nepal Police would take time to submit its investigation report.
The committee has sent the hard drive containing the CCTVfootage of the Finance Ministry to the forensic lab of Nepal Police to recover the deleted footage of May 28 and May 29. It has yet to receive a report from the lab.
The committee questioned Sharma for three hours last Thursday. Speaking before the committee, Sharma denied involvement of unauthorized persons in preparing the budget and advised the committee to ask the ministry's security persons and marshals if the members did not believe him.
He also expressed ignorance about the Finance Ministry's capacity to retain CCTV footage and suggested that the committee consult experts on the matter.
Sharma has been accused of inviting unauthorized persons to the Finance Ministry to change tax rates at the time of finalizing the budget.
The 11-member parliamentary committee was formed on July 6 to investigate the allegations. Sharma resigned the same day.
The committee’s term was extended by seven days after its initial deadline expired last Thursday. The committee is preparing to complete its investigation within the given time.