Four leaders of Netra Bikram Chand-led CPN including Om Prakash Pun have quit the party.
Politburo member and Mahakali incharge Pun, former Constituent Assembly (CA) member Shankar Bahadur Khadka, Dal Bahadur Dhami and former incharge of Darchula and Kanchanpur Ramesh Pariyar have left the party.
They have stated that they quit the party to move forward individually and collectively to unify the Maoist stream in their resignation letter.
The Chand-led party had split recently in May with aggrieved leaders forming a new party claiming that Chand is getting mired in parliamentary quicksand.
The aggrieved leaders organizing a press conference in Kathmandu on May 9 had announced that the new party will be named CPN (Majority) and Dharmendra Bastola will be coordinator of the party.
Bastola said the new party was formed in response to the conspiracy by Chand to drag the party into the parliamentary quicksand by asking a few central members to contest the local election with election symbol of CPN-UML.