Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota has directed the Parliament Secretariat to remove the unparliamentary remarks made by Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Dilendra Prasad Badu during Friday’s House session from its archives.
CPN-UML lawmakers had objected to Minister Badu’s remarks and demanded that they be removed from the parliament's records.
Responding to CPN-UML chairman KP Sharma Oli's statement on the Nepal Oil Corporation on Thursday, Minister Badu had used a Nepali proverb that roughly translates to “an ox that has lost its eyesight in July always sees green”. He had also accused Oli of being involved in corruption.
The House session was halted for some time due to obstruction by the UML lawmakers.
Speaker Sapkota then directed the Parliament Secretariat to remove Minister Badu’s remarks from the records.
The House session has resumed after the Speaker’s ruling.