Bhaktapur district secretary of Netra Bikram Chand led CPN has been arrested in connection to the bomb blast in the house of former communication minister Gokul Baskota in Lokanthali on March 11.
Ain Bahadur Shahi has been arrested Tuesday evening, according to Spokesperson with Bhaktapur Police Deepak Giri.
Shahi, who hails from Kalikot, was arrested from Thimi. He was absconding after the bomb blast.
The Chand-led CPN had taken responsibility for the blast. Pamphlets left at the site has listed 10 points including allegations of Baskota demanding bribe for different projects, and banning the Chand-led party among others.
A pressure cooker bomb was detonated with remote control. Police personnel involved in investigation of the explosion had found the pressure cooker at the site and the remote controller around 500 meters away.
The explosion occurred at the under-construction four-story house. The bomb was kept inside the compound adjacent to the wall. Part of the wall was destroyed by the explosion while the outer wall of the house also suffered minor damage.
Baskota was adding floors on his one-story building. He was not staying in the house now. He had been staying at the house of Prime Minister (PM) KP Sharma Oli in Balkot since he became minister.
Baskota had resigned on February 20 after the audio tape purporting him to be bargaining for commission in procurement of security printing press was made public.