The police on Tuesday reached the rented apartment of the woman who alleged former speaker Krishna Bahadur Mahara of rape and prepared crime scene report.
They have also collected the bottle of whiskey the woman says Mahara brought, glass and the broken spectacles of Mahara.
A joint team of Metropolitan Police Range Kathmandu, Metropolitan Police Circle, New Baneshwore, Metropolitan Police Crime Division reached the apartment in Tinkune near Parisdanda again on Tuesday after a team from Baneswhore Circle visited immediately following the incident Sunday night.
A police source told Setopati that the collected items will be sent to forensic laboratory to test for Mahara's fingerprints. The police also have the audio recording of the statement given by the woman.
"We had asked her on Sunday to come to complain the next day but she did not come," the police source said. "She has yet to turn up."
The source revealed that she had said she will lodge the complaint only after consultation with her husband once he returns from Tanahu.
The police are waiting for a complaint stating that rape investigation will be stymied without one. They point that the bruises on her body, vaginal swab, and other biological evidence should be checked in time for proper investigation and worry that the important evidence may be lost with each passing hour. "All that is possible only after bodily tests following complaint. There will be risk of loss of evidence due to the delay and that may compromise investigation," an investigation officer told Setopati.
"The woman should agree for bodily tests and lodge a complaint. The investigation will move forward in earnest only after that," Chief of Metropolitan Police Range Kathmandu Uttam Raj Subedi told Setopati.
Call details, CCTV footages of the area around the scene of incident, DNA tests and other things can be investigated only after a complaint is lodged.
Mahara has already resigned from the position to facilitate investigation and there is pressure on the police to arrest him like a commoner and initiate investigation. "We will initiate investigation if we receive complaint. There is no doubt about that," Subedi assured.
Mahara has been accused of raping a woman working at the federal parliament secretariat on Sunday.
The woman has claimed an inebriated Mahara reached her rented apartment in Tinkune with a bottle of whiskey when there was no one else in the apartment Sunday night and raped her.