A special event was organized at the Rastriya Nachgahr in Jamal of Kathmandu to celebrate the Jitiya festival on Wednesday.
Women from the Tharu community attended the event dressed in their traditional attires.
One of the major festivals of the Tharu community, Jitiya is especially celebrated in the Mithila region.
The festival is celebrated for three days from the seventh to ninth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Ashwin according to the Hindu calendar.
The first day of the festival is known as Nahai Khai, when Tharu women eat vegetarian food after taking bath.
On the second day, Khur Jitiya, they observe a strict fast without food or water for the good health and longevity of their children and family.
On the third and final day (Parana), the women break their fast with various traditional delicacies.